Drawing I Syllabus
Rachel Durocher
Art & Humanities Building, Room 210
Course Description
Prerequisite: FOFA or FODA
Through a series of projects, students will develop their knowledge and skills in drawing from observation and imagination. Students will explore fundamental drawing strategies by studying a variety of elements and principles including contour, negative space, value, proportion and color. Students will become familiar with different drawing media including graphite and colored pencil.
Course Units & Goals
Contour Line Drawing
Students will learn the power of line by representing a natural object’s form using only contour lines. Variation in line quality and visual weight will be emphasized.
White on White Still Life
Students will develop shading skills by creating a range of values to make a white object still-life composition appear three-dimensional.
Reductive Drawing
Students will draw the negative space of a still life from observation. The negative space will play a key role in the final piece by adding texture and values.
Negative Space Painting
Students will draw the negative space found around and between elements of their subject. The negative space will then be painted to create the positive being observed.
Grid Macro Color Study
Students will photograph a close up segment of an object and use the grid method to create a rendering of the photo. To complete their work, students will use colored pencils to match tones and values.
Abstract Drawing
During this unit students explore a variety of abstract artworks and the intentions behind them. Students will engage in discussion before creating a small series of work that builds on the discussed principles.
Final Project
Students will create a piece based on a chosen theme. Choice will be given as to material and the style in which the piece is made.
Classroom Experience
- Arrive to class on time. Students who are more than 15 minutes late will be marked AT (absent tardy) and AT-E (absent tardy - excused).
- Create a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. Respect classroom/materials, teacher and students.
- Art takes courage! Be brave and participate! You are expected to work throughout the class and do your best to complete each assignment.
- Students will advocate for themselves and their learning.
- Cell phones/electronic devices should only be used for music and for drawing reference. Devices that are deemed distracting may be confiscated by the teacher.
- Students will clean up their workspace on time before the end of each class.
- No food or uncovered drinks.
- Wait at your table at the end of class. Don’t line up the door!
- Students may ask for an extension but they must make the request at least two classes before the assignment is due.
- Students who receive a grade that they are unhappy with may redo or improve their work for an entirely new project grade.
Students will be given their own pencils, erasers and pencil sharpeners. Students should carry their supplies with them and replace their materials if they are lost.
Assessments and Grades
Attendance is an important demonstration of effort. Five absences within a quarter will result in an “N.”
Grade percentage break down:
70% Projects
30% Mini Assignments
Extra Help/Support Available
In the event you are absent or falling behind on a project, it is important for you to self-advocate through email, or in person, the need for extra time and/or help before a project deadline.
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